The financial website that will save you millions of dollars

If you want to get your finances in order and don’t know where to start, then you need to be visiting the Bogleheads on at least a weekly basis. We often type “Bogleheads” and whatever questions we have into google and click on the links that come up. Just starting out and want to know the difference between FSA’s and HSA’s? Go to the Bogleheads. Want to save money on cooking? Yes, there’s even a few Bogleheads discussion threads on Instant Pots.

With that being said, DH has returned to give you all a top five picks of the Bogleheads for the month. In our next post, B.C. will return with a 5 part (!) series where we share our scar tissue from our amazing trip to Machu Picchu. Continue reading “The financial website that will save you millions of dollars”

How to Make Yourself Happier by Stopping Yourself from Checking Your Portfolio too Often

Here’s another blog from DH on how to make yourself infinitely happier in life. In response to Crispy Doc asking, “What’s the nicotine gum equivalent for portfolio OCD?” DH wrote an entire blog on habit change to answer this question as a follow-up to his blog from last week about why you should only be checking your portfolio every six months: Continue reading “How to Make Yourself Happier by Stopping Yourself from Checking Your Portfolio too Often”