A Healthier You in 2022: A Reading List

“If you don’t make time for exercise, you’ll probably have to make time for illness.”-Robin Sharma.


As I went about trying to Improve my overall health these past eighteen months, I focused on reading books about habits and how to think better. That’s because I knew if I could control my thoughts and manage my daily habits, then I’d see the quality of my life improve tremendously—which it has.


Only the most helpful books made it onto this list. Don’t worry, I won’t tell you about all 128 books I’ve read since the start of the pandemic. 😉 There are a lot of strategies I employed to be able to read so many books. First, I rarely watch TV and I read before bed.


The biggest reason I was able to ‘read’ so much was that I finally acclimated to audiobooks. I use the Overdrive or Libby apps with audio loans from our local library. On Amazon Prime Day, I also bought audio books on sale that our local library didn’t have.

Continue reading “A Healthier You in 2022: A Reading List”

Why a FIRE Doctor Wants to Continue Working After We Re-enter our New Normal

(FIRE=Financial Independence Retire Early/Recreational Employment)

Why would a FIRE doctor who came out of retirement to work during a global pandemic want to continue working once it’s over?

Glad you asked. 😉

The first two blogs of this three-part series were the most emotionally difficult blogs I’ve written to date. Thankfully, this third blog was much easier to write since I have so many reasons why I want to stay in the medical workforce:

Continue reading “Why a FIRE Doctor Wants to Continue Working After We Re-enter our New Normal”

Physicians in Transition: Doctors Who Successfully Reinvented Themselves (A Book Review)

“It is unlikely that your actual path through life will match the exact journey you had in mind when you set out. It makes no sense to restrict your satisfaction to one scenario when there are many paths to success.” – Atomic Habits

Fascinating read (Editor’s note: Please be aware there can be affiliate links in this blog, while bringing no extra charge to you, can provide a commission to support this blog)

This post may sound a bit tone-deaf in our current climate, as it explores physicians leaving clinical medicine. However, this blog was written last fall and is only now seeing publication as I have a one week break in my regular (fiction) writing schedule. And judging by the eye-popping number of “I quit” posts from doctors that I’ve seen recently in my Facebook feed—as well as reading a thought-provoking blog by a pharmacist who’s taking a COVID Sabbatical—I decided to go ahead and publish this post.

Continue reading “Physicians in Transition: Doctors Who Successfully Reinvented Themselves (A Book Review)”

Spending Habits for Professionals Who Want to FIRE: I wrote a book just for you.

Often when a blogger drops off the face of the earth, it’s because something happened, like divorce or else health issues, like a Glioblastoma. For DH (Dear Husband) and I, it’s been something else entirely. Or somethingS else. Over the past few months, I feel like we’ve been barely treading water with massive waves overcoming us. But, like a Chumbawamba song, every time we get knocked down, we’ll get back up again.

Continue reading “Spending Habits for Professionals Who Want to FIRE: I wrote a book just for you.”

10 Reasons Why You Need to Attend a FINCON

Even if you’re not a blogger or podcaster, if you’re a regular reader or listener, it would behoove you to attend at least one FINCON . Here are the reasons why: Continue reading “10 Reasons Why You Need to Attend a FINCON”

Cost Analysis of a Sabbatical Summer in Medellín

Although I wrote this post in July, I had to wait until today to edit it as I was finishing up writing a book for y’all (more on that in a future post). And that whole moving thing has been consuming my time of late. But now that I’m about 2/3rds of the way done unpacking, I can return to the world of blogging.

Folks, there’s a reason why people who’ve been to Colombia—especially Medellín—get all excited and animated when they start talking about these places. It’s because this city of eternal Spring is incredible! DH and I were talking recently, saying we thought last summer was amazing. But this summer has easily been one of the best summers of our lives.

Since people have been asking me how much our Sabbatical cost, I thought I’d do a blog post with a detailed analysis for anyone who is not only interested in a Sabbatical in Medellín but perhaps considering Geo Arbitrage for long term living down here. Continue reading “Cost Analysis of a Sabbatical Summer in Medellín”

Financial Boot Camp, by WCI: A Book Review

I want my readers to think of themselves as being fully capable of learning about finances so they can take control of their money and hence live their fullest lives. By living your fullest life you can meaningfully contribute to society and change the world. So I say: start today, take that first step, commit to reading your first (or your fortieth) book on finance this week, promise yourself you’ll have it done by next week. Put it on your to-do list and go change the world. And if you’re looking for where to start, take a look at The White Coat Investor’s (WCI) Financial Boot Camp.

Full disclosure: Continue reading “Financial Boot Camp, by WCI: A Book Review”

How to throw cheap(er) birthday parties for kids

1) Be “that” mom and refuse to join in on the birthday party peer pressure to throw huge, over the top parties. Just think, you can put the money you save towards the kids’ therapy bills later on. 😉 Continue reading “How to throw cheap(er) birthday parties for kids”